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Weave Me Back Home
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The Weave Me Back Home art installation pays homage to Indonesia's rich culture of weaving, evoking the sense of coming home to the familiar, bridging traditional with modern, history with the future, patterns old and new, life, and culture reborn. It truly reflects our passion, respect, and love for weaving.
Weaving is inherent in Indonesian culture and consciousness. It makes up who we are and where we live in. Many traditional household items are made of woven rattan, bamboo, water hyacinth, ropes. The thousands of weaving techniques have been part of cultural wealth and for years it has stayed in its true forms manifested in furniture, baskets, boxes.
Not only beautiful and comforting, but weaving also has rich functionalities not yet fully appreciated such as durable (from its double layer), breathable, and structurally lightweight. Different weaving techniques yield different functions. Careful selection of materials such as leather, synthetic rattan, Dupont Tyvek, etc., enhance the functionalities further. With passion, we believe the visionary possibilities of art, design, and applications are limitless.
Our Lumping rocking horses, weaved in
different synthetic rattan colors and patterns